Action - FTP Init Variable File List

The action FTP Init Variable File List lists the files of a directory that match the specified name pattern.


  • Get a list of files and download only the ones smaller than 1MB.
Whether to use regular FTP (unencrypted), FTPS (Implicit FTP over SSL/TLS, default port 990) or FTPES (Explicit FTP over SSL/TLS).
Data Channel Protection (only for FTPS and FTPES)
Whether data transferred on the data channel should be encrypted (P) or not (C).
The name or IP and port (default 21) of the FTP server. Variables are supported.
The username to connect. Variables are supported.
The password to connect. Variables are supported.
The name of the variable to hold the list of files. Variables are supported.
File Pattern
The files to list. The file pattern can contain glob pattern characters like * and ?. Variables are supported.
Include file attributes
When selected, returns for each file a list of attributes with path, file type, file size and file date.
A variable is a container for a value that can be used in many actions and conditions to dynamically define a part of a text.
See action Script for a description.

Supplied Variables
the list of files